Top New Zealand Facebook Pages

Hi all,

Just looking to build a list of the top New Zealand facebook pages by fan count. It’s somewhat of a manual task, so feel free to leave a comment with ones you think should be on the list.

I’ll start with these ones:

These fan number are as at 30/10/2010.

Do you know of any others with decent fan numbers?

8 Responses to “Top New Zealand Facebook Pages” RSS 2.0

  • Aaron Says:

    Here are a couple for ya:

    GrabOne has 52000+ fans
    1-Day has 48,000+ fans

  • Vans Says: 12,448

  • Richard Says:

    Haha forgot about the prime minister:

    John Key 43,000

  • Mark Lincoln Says:

    Not quite up there with the others but MightyApe has 27,000.

    Quite surprised that one of New Zealand’s top websites, Trade Me, only has 5,200 fans. Shows quite a difference in focus.

  • Adrian - One Day Deals Says:

    Hi Richard

    Yes the Daily Deal sites seems to have quite a number. Here is an update as at 16 March 2011:

    GrabOne – 88,561
    1Day – 58,579

    Big jump to 3rd place though!

    Daily Do – 15,947

    Those are the 3 big ones for deals sites. I have a list which I update fortnightly on the following page. Also have Twitter follower numbers

    I also used to track their actual growth from week to week but it got pretty time consuming 🙂 GRabOne added 5,500 facebook members one week!

  • Adrian - One Day Deals Says:

    Grab One now has 100,000 facebook members!

  • Shane Says:

    I know this post is a little old now but the Outrageous Fortune (official) facebook page has over 235,000 fans.

  • Richard Says:

    Shane, yea a little old. Might look for a better solution to keep this updated.

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